Eucalyptus Shower Bundle DIY

We made it through the holidays! If you're anything like us, you're very ready for some self care and pampering to help feel refreshed as we head into the spring months. Here is a very simple DIY to help improve your mood, lower your stress, and ease congestion (Plus it looks so pretty!)...

What you'll need:

A bundle of Eucalyptus (a fresh variety will offer a more fragrant scent)


Vase with cool water


Rubberband (optional)


Start by selecting your eucalyptus of choice. Once you've decided on the look and scent you want, separate the stems. Cut about an inch off the bottom of the stems at an angle. Now set your freshly trimmed eucalyptus in cool water overnight. Next, lay the stems out flat and gently roll over them with a rounded object to release the fragrant oils (Your hands will get sticky, so it can be helpful to wet your hands first). Now create a slip knot with your twine (slipknot tutorial here) and tighten it around your bundle gathering the stems together. Wrap the string around the stems until it looks good to you and secure with a knot. You can also use a rubber band to secure the bundle together. Finally hang your work of art from the shower head using either the rubber band or the twine. Try to balance the bundle over the shower head and out of the direct flow of the water as this would shorten the lifespan of your bundle.


Sites referenced: (a great place to purchase a bundle if you don't have the time and energy!) (more in-depth tutorial)


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