The Rise of Mediterranean Landscaping in Los Angeles

When it comes to landscaping in Los Angeles, Mediterranean-style gardens are becoming increasingly popular – and for good reason. This style of landscaping not only provides a stunning and unique look to your home, but it also offers numerous benefits for both your property and the environment.

Here are some reasons why Mediterranean landscaping is on the rise in Los Angeles:

Aesthetic Appeal

(and lovely for entertaining!)

Mediterranean landscaping is visually stunning, often featuring colorful flowers, lush greenery, and unique hardscaping elements such as gravel paths and stone walls. In Los Angeles, the warm and sunny climate is perfect for showcasing the vibrant and rich hues of Mediterranean-style gardens, making them a popular choice for homeowners looking to add aesthetic appeal and value to their property.

The designers at Elysian Landscape show the importance of small gathering spaces while entertaining.

Source Elysian Landscapes: On a sprawling hillside property, a series of intimate gathering spaces maximize the enjoyment and use of the land. A pair of large retaining walls are softened with dense layers of planting, making them virtually disappear.

Image courtesy of

Sustainable Living

Another reason why Mediterranean landscaping is increasing in popularity is its sustainability. With the need to conserve water and reduce carbon footprint, people are recognizing the importance of sustainable living. Mediterranean landscaping is a perfect fit for sustainable living due to its drought-resistant plants and low water usage. Homeowners can also add sustainability to their landscaping by using permeable surfaces that allow rainwater to infiltrate the ground, reducing runoff and improving water quality.

Image courtesy of House & Garden

Low-Maintenance and Water Conservation

Mediterranean landscaping is also low-maintenance, which is an added bonus for homeowners who want to cut back on the amount of time and money spent on yard work. With less watering, mowing, and pruning required, Mediterranean gardens are ideal for those who want to enjoy a beautiful yard without the hassle.

Mediterranean climates are characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, rainy winters. To survive in these conditions, Mediterranean landscaping typically features drought-resistant plants such as succulents, cacti, and Mediterranean natives like lavender, rosemary, and olive trees. These plants require less water and maintenance then traditional lawns and are ideal for water conservation.

Image courtesy of Bread&Olives

Mediterranean landscaping is becoming increasingly popular in Los Angeles due to its water conservation, low-maintenance, aesthetic appeal, and sustainability. By adopting this style of landscaping, homeowners can save on water and maintenance while also adding value and beauty to their property.


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